Tuesday, August 17, 2010

2:00pm Tuesday

I am still cleaning the basement, so nothing exciting... so I am leaving you with this for the hour...
{click on picture to visit the site!}

I am really thinking of joining. It looks like a great idea! Gives you your meals planned out with a grocery list ready to go to the store budgeted UNDER $85 a week or $65 if you go to Aldi's. Also, it only costs $5 a month!! PLUS you can choose healthy :) This is my plan for September. Oh, and you can choose family or just 2, so if you don't have a family you can still do it! Have any of you tried it??

4 friends had to say...:

Mindy said...

Hmmm ... that sounds interesting to me! I'll have to go check it out. Grocercies are a huge expense for us, I try to only shop sales but also stock up on the sale stuff. Maybe this would help a bit. I'd have to quit buying the sale stuff .... like an addiction about my only form of shopping sometimes. I'm enjoying your 24 hours of blogging ... I didn't know about it .... maybe I'll do it one day ... just me not part of a group or anything!

Amy Walter said...

Never heard of it but totally checking this website out! I like the idea that you can have healthy meals on there too! Thanks for the info!

Colleen said...

I have heard of this site before. Check out Becky Higgens Blog. I think that there were many people discussing this on her blog a while back.

Anonymous said...

Im liking this site!!!! Might look into it more once thomas and i move out of parents house and are on our own again!